What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory or cognitive problems.  OT can help them attain functional independence in all areas of their lives.  Occupational Therapists help with barriers that affect a person’s emotional, social and physical needs.  To do this, they use everyday activities, exercises and adaptive equipment and strategies.

OT’s help kids play, improve their school performance and aides with daily activities.  OT can help:

  • Fine motor skills, such as grasping, releasing, handwriting and computer skills

  • Improve eye hand coordination skills to do both one and 2 handed tasks

  • Master basic life skills such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing teeth and self-feeding

  • Learn positive behaviors and social skills by practicing how to manage frustration and assist with sensory processing skills

  • Get special equipment to help build their independence- such as wheelchairs, splints, sensory items, dressing devices, etc.

OT’s help with a wide variety of difficulties.  Some of these include developmental delays, birth injuries, sensory processing disorders, traumatic injuries to brain and spinal cord, learning problems, autism, chromosomal abnormalities, mental health and behavioral problems.  OT’s work with the individual and their caregivers and school staff to help maximize independence in all areas and provide strategies for success.

Brittany Coon