Posts tagged disability employment awareness month
Jason: Down Right Perfect Boutique

Did you know that October is not only Disability Employment Awareness Month, but it’s also Down Syndrome Awareness Month?! Jason is a wonderful guy to highlight this month since he fits the bill for both! He and his family have recently started their own business called Down Right Perfect Boutique. Jason has been learning all of the different areas of the business to help— but his favorite part is being the face of the company! He loves getting to deliver the packages and seeing the excitement on his clients faces as they open the wrapping!

Jason making his very first delivery!!!

Beverly: Bob Evans

Beverly has been working at Bob Evans for about 6 years and loves every shift she gets! She always has a smile on her face and is ready to conquer the day. Her main responsibilities are ensuring the dishes are clean and put away and that her area stays tidy. She has a wonderful relationship with her boss and many of her coworkers.

Thank you, Bob Evans for giving Beverly the opportunity to work hard and be a dedicated employee!
